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Photo of Mike TysonPhoto of a guy signing contractTwo men sitting in front of the car looking back towards the cameraPortrait of Francis



At 3point0, we redefine the landscape of talent and brand management by strategically focusing on high-value representation. Our commitment to excellence prioritizes quality over quantity, ensuring each partnership is meticulously curated to align with our vision of innovation and success. As a forward-thinking agency, we integrate cutting-edge technology and expertise with personalized attention, bringing a transformative approach to every engagement. Our portfolio is not just about managing talent; its about pioneering new paths with those who embody potential and drive. This selectivity allows us to dedicate an unmatched level of detail and vigor to each collaboration, setting new standards within the sports and entertainment industries. With the addition of "The Lab 3.0", we further push the boundaries of innovation — experimenting with AI, blockchain, and beyond to create disruptive, viral experiences that redefine what's possible.


Branding & content

Compelling storytelling, producing and curating content that drives visibility and engagement, and managing content channels to maximize audiences. Tailored strategies to not only amplify brand recognition, engage audiences, and diversify revenue streams, but to encompass brand positioning, sponsorship alignment and digital presence.


Personalized career guidance, contract negotiation, business entity creation, brand development, financial planning, and lifestyle management. Tailored strategies optimize opportunities, safeguard interests, and foster long-term success in competitive industries.

Business Advisory

Comprehensive consultancy for the entertainment and sports sectors, offering tailored advice on finance, production, merchandise, distribution, marketing, and strategic planning. Services aim to optimize growth, mitigate risks, and bolster performance in dynamic industries.

Intellectual Property Portfolio Management

Advise on identifying, creating and exploiting player intellectual property assets, including Name/Image/Likeness (NIL), copyright protection, trademark protection, and licensing of these assets where applicable.

Who we are

Marquel Martin
Founder & CEO
M.S. in Sports Management, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
UNLV Football Letterman 2005-2009
Harvard University BEMS 2023

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Marquel emerged from a loving, lower-middle-class family grounded in the values of God, family, and hard work. With nearly 50 years of marriage, his parents imparted principles of respect and integrity that became the bedrock of his life and career.

After earning his master's degree in sports management from UNLV, where he was also a letterman, Marquel embarked on a journey in the sports industry, refining his skills at the UFC before taking the helm of the Combat Sports Division at Creative Artists Agency (CAA) in Los Angeles. There, he cultivated a deep understanding of brand and talent management, igniting his passion for innovation.

Fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit and a vision to revolutionize the management space, Marquel founded 3point0 Labs. His mission is to redefine the talent business landscape by merging technology with tradition, leveraging blockchain and AI to provide unparalleled tools and opportunities for talent and agents worldwide.

Marquel's career epitomizes his commitment to pushing boundaries and thinking beyond the conventional. 3point0 Labs is not merely managing talent; they're shaping the future of sports and entertainment. Join Marquel in pioneering the next era of talent excellence.

Andrew Cutrow
Co-Founder & CBO

Andrew brings more than eight years of experience as an attorney and business executive in the sports, television and film industries. With a B.A., a J.D. in Entertainment Law, and an M.B.A. in Finance and Entertainment Management from UCLA, compiled with his extensive experience in business affairs, corporate consulting, production and legal spaces at CAA, eOne, and independently, Andrew is a key a driving force of our team.

Randy Faehnrich
Head of Content

With over a decade of experience in the Content space, Randy is an expert at producing, creating and marketing content across social, digital, and linear platforms. As the former Head of Social Media at UFC, Randy guided the company in creating a more engaged community and gain a larger social media following than the NFL, MLB, NHL and MLS. He created some of the largest and most successful social media campaigns around tentpole events that the company historic.

Carlo Alcala

With a B.A. in Entertainment Business and gaining experience at William Morris Endeavor as a former employer, Carlo has devoted the last decade of his life to being a lifelong student of the entertainment industry. He organically ventured into the realm of partnerships by utilizing brands as a marketing platform to drive artists to the forefront of pop culture at emerging labels. Most notably, he recently led one of the most salient marketing campaigns of 2023 by strategically collaborating two major sports titans and utilizing the brand Jacob & Co.


What is 3point0?

3point0 is a pioneering management company revolutionizing talent representation in sports and entertainment. Unlike traditional management houses, we employ cutting-edge technology and innovative business strategies to enhance interactions between brands and athletes. Utilizing artificial intelligence, blockchain, and data analytics, we equip our clients with unparalleled insights and opportunities to excel in the digital era. Our approach focuses on empowering athletes and entertainers to maximize their potential, visibility, and financial success. At 3point0, we're setting new industry standards, making us the premier choice for talents ready to lead and innovate.

What kind of client does 3point0 work with?

At 3point0, we specialize in representing high-value clients who excel both on and off the field and demonstrate exemplary character. Our ideal clients are individuals who embody integrity, ambition, and respect - qualities that resonate deeply with brands and audiences globally. We pride ourselves on our international scope, working with diverse talents and brands from around the world. This global nature is intrinsic to our DNA, allowing us to foster connections and create opportunities across borders. We seek clients who are not only leaders in their space but also role models who use their platforms to make a positive impact, underscoring our commitment to a comprehensive, worldwide approach in talent representation.

Refer a Client?

'Refer a Client' is a unique opportunity for fans and members of our network to contribute to the growth and innovation at 3point0 Labs. If you know a talented indidvidual in sports or entertainment who embodies potential and could benefit from our transformative approach to management, we invite you to introduce them to us. By filling out a brief questionnaire, you provide us with essential information to understand the prospective client's needs and how they might fit within our vision. This referral process is vital in expanding our curated roster of exceptional talent, ensuring that every new addition aligns with our commitment to quality, innovation, and success. Through your referrals, you help shape the future of sports and entertainment, supporting talents who are ready to disrupt the status quo and achieve extraordinary milestones.

What is The Lab?

'The Lab' at 3point0 Labs is our exclusive, members-only portal where innovation meets action. Here, we conduct bold experiements that redefine sports and entertainment. Members can vote on, participate in, and propose experiments, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and creative strategies. Joining 'The Lab' means joining a community of visionaries committed to pushing boundaries and shaping the future of the industry.

Founder's Memo

July 11, 2024

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nec imperdiet neque, sed pulvinar turpis. Aenean gravida erat at sapien consequat accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Integer cursus metus elit, vitae commodo elit ornare nec. Curabitur nec fermentum lacus. Morbi ut porttitor tortor, non malesuada nunc. Mauris a aliquam nisi, vitae scelerisque ante. Aenean in lorem non mauris accumsan accumsan id quis purus. Morbi mi eros, cursus ac ultricies sit amet, malesuada sed tellus. Aenean sed feugiat arcu. Vestibulum quis facilisis orci, id tincidunt nunc. Maecenas ultricies vitae libero eget fringilla.


Marquel signature

Marquel Martin
Founder & CEO
3point0 Labs, Inc.